Josh taking a tissue biopsy from an oceanic manta ray
My field research skills include satellite tag deployment on, and tissue sample collection from elasmobranchs and other megafauna; environmental data collection (e.g. CTD casts, chlorophyll sampling); zooplankton sampling; small boat handling; photography and video. I run and manage the logistical considerations for several ongoing field programs. Additionally, I have extensive lab experience in next-generation genetic sequencing techniques and preparation of samples for stable isotope analysis.
My relevant field experience includes:
•2013-2016: Mexico (P.I.) Oceanic manta ray tagging program, environmental data collection
•2011-2014: Cayman Islands (Team Mbr.) Nassau grouper spawning aggregation dynamics
•2012: Indonesia (Co-P.I.) Oceanic manta ray tagging program and population study
•2011: Mexico (Team Mbr.) Oceanic manta ray tagging program and population study
•2011: Indonesia (Co-P.I.) Oceanic and reef manta ray population study
•2011: Bonaire (Asst.) Coral recruitment on artificial substrates
•2010: Australia (Asst.) Great white shark tagging program and population study
•2010: Maldives (Asst.) Reef manta ray feeding aggregation and tourism impacts
•2010: Dominican Republic (Prjct. Ldr.) Coral reef ecology and marine cultural anthropology
•2009: Dominican Republic Honors Thesis on coral recruitment and MPA management
•2009: Bonaire (Asst.) Coral recruitment on artificial substrates
•2008: Australia (Asst.) Behavorial trends in survival rates of larval reef fish
•2008: Dominican Republic (Asst.) Coral restoration and reef ecology; shipwreck excavation
•2007: Dominican Republic (Asst.) Coral reef ecology